For Parents

Welcome to the Elephant Lab!

At the Mind and Development Lab (also known as the Elephant Lab), we study how young children think and reason about the world around them. The exact details of our studies vary, but all of them are designed to be like fun, simple games. Your child might play with some toys, draw some pictures, or play on an iPad while interacting with a friendly researcher.

Children are always encouraged and praised for their help with our projects. At the end of our study, we give every child a prize as thanks for their participation!

Studies are for kids ages 4 to 10. We are now running appointments online via Zoom video software! Every child gets a $5.00 Amazon giftcard code as a thank you for participating. Email us for more information.

Click here to sign up 



Follow us on Instagram @minddevlab & Facebook

Frequently Asked Questions:

When are appointments scheduled?

We schedule appointments at your convenience. Our lab is open Monday through Friday between 10 A.M. until 6 P.M. EST. Earlier and later appointment times and weekend appointments are available if needed!

How many times will I be asked to bring my child to participate?

Most studies in our lab involve a one-time, 30 minute visit. It’s up to families how many times they would like to return to the lab. We will keep your contact information on file and contact you when your child is eligible to participate in new studies. We love seeing returning families!

Can I bring along other children?

Yes! There are several other laboratories in the psychology department doing projects with children ages 4 months to 12 years old, so it may be possible for all of your children to participate in studies! To see all the studies currently be conducted, feel free to visit the Infant and Child development group website.

We also can arrange to have a trained research assistant on hand to look after your child during your visit. If possible, let us know in advance if you will be bringing other children, and we will be happy to make appropriate arrangements.

Can I get individualized feedback about my child’s performance in the study?

Our research is interested in general trends of how children perform on a task, which means that there are no correct answers to the questions we ask. Therefore, we do not evaluate individual performance, and we cannot compare your child’s performance to that of other children. After the study is complete, however, we will be happy to send you a summary of the main findings if you are interested.

How can I contact you if I have additional questions or want to participate in a study?

Please feel free to call our office at (203) 436-1547 or email us at, and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Directions to the Lab

Click here to see a map of our location.
Click here to see the passageway from Hillhouse Ave. to the back of of our building.
Click here to see the back (most convenient entrance) to our building.
Click here to see the front of our building (intersection of Grove/College/Prospect).

Between the hours of 7 AM and 4 PM, all Yale University parking lots are closed to vehicles without a Yale parking permit. For your convenience we have reserved parking spaces in a nearby lot for the exclusive use of our research participants. You will not need a parking permit to park in this reserved space during your visit.

We are located in the Basement level, Room 6 of Sheffield Sterling Strathcona Hall.

Address of building: 1 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT, 06511

Address of parking lot: 17 Hillhouse Avenie, New Haven, CT, 06511

How to Get to Parking Lot 30:

From I-95:

  1. Get off I-95 at Exit 48 “I-91 North to Hartford.”
  2. Follow the instructions for “From I-91.”

From I-91:

  1. Get off I-91 at Exit 3 Trumbull Street.
  2. At the end of the ramp, go straight through the light onto Trumbull Street.
  3. Continue past the lights on Whitney Ave. and turn left on Temple St.
  4. Drive one block down Temple St. and turn right on Grove St.
  5. Then take your first right onto Hillhouse Ave.
  6. Parking Lot 30 is located at 17 Hillhouse Ave. There is a reserved space with a sign that says “Reserved for Yale Studies in Cognitive Science and Development.”
  7. See below for directions from Lot 30 to our lab.

From the New Haven Green:

  1. Go North on Church St. and turn left onto Grove St.
  2. Take the second right onto Hillhouse Ave.
  3. Lot 30 is located at 17 Hillhouse Ave. There is a reserved space with a sign that says “Reserved for Yale Studies in Cognitive Science and Development.”
  4. See below for directions from Lot 30 to our lab.

How to Get to Yale Mind and Development Lab in SSS from Parking Lot 30:

  1. From Lot 30, turn left out of the lot onto Hillhouse.
  2. At Kirtland Hall (2 Hillhouse), turn right and go behind the building into the courtyard. Enter the wood doors in the white Gothic building in front of you.
  3. Once you are inside the building, walk straight and then turn right down the hallway (follow the elephant signs). We are the Mind and Development Lab. There will be a picture of an elephant on the door.



We hope to see you soon!

Artwork done by Akanksha Singh